First published 25th November, 2021
“There have been torrential rains and thunderstorms for days now. This means that the ecobears haven’t been able to play out or work in the garden. They’re all indoors, keeping warm by the fire and looking at pictures of their friends who have recently visited. One picture is of ecobear Olli – who spent most of his time with them climbing the tallest tree in the garden. He loved the walnut tree, as he could see for miles across the mountain tops.
Meanwhile, ecobear Arc goes across to look out of the window and can see that the canal is full of water again – more than ever! The dragonflies will soon be able to play their leaf races, he thinks to himself. Happily Arc can also see the sun, as well as bits of blue sky, starting to peek out from gaps in the clouds. Now is a good time to tell the others about their friend, JJ the monkey, coming to visit next week..”