Bees & Lavender

First published 18th November, 2021

“The weather is sunny and cold. Ecobears Arc, Berry Scout, Baby Bear Rosa, Zana the rabbit & Tilda the hedgehog are playing underneath the pomegranate tree. They’ve already picked some fruit from the nearby grapefruit tree – ready for juicing later today. Baby Bear Rosa is smiling as she watches several pale cream butterflies dancing in the breeze. Arc & Berry Scout have spotted tiny bees hustling and buzzing around the lavender flowers. The bees are loving the lavender in bloom – collecting pollen as they go. It seems the bees and lavender are very good friends!

Meanwhile, ecobear Marlie is with Savreth outside the garden, peering into the canal. They can see that the water has disappeared! The reason for this is so the canal can be cleaned and then refilled. The dragonflies will have to wait until next week before they have their ‘Leaf Races’ on the water…”