First published 14th October, 2021
“It’s a warm but cloudy day and ecobears Marlie, Berry Scout & Zana the rabbit are playing outside their garden, in the surrounding orange groves. They are having fun climbing up and down some of the different trees – full of oranges, clementines and tangerines. Many of the fruits are starting to ripen, especially those facing the sun. All are wonderful shades of colour, from dark to light green, yellow and bright orange.
Meanwhile, ecobear Arc is with Baby Bear Rosa in the garden by the young olive tree, that was planted a few months ago. They are excited as the tree has produced a tiny amount of small fruit. Baby Bear Rosa counts 142 little green and purple olives as they are harvesting. Afterwards the bears will wash and preserve them in recycled glass jars – ready for eating in a few weeks time…”