First published 12th August, 2021
“It’s a very hot day, so ecobears Marlie, Sunflower & Berry Scout have gone for a walk to the nearby river. They’ve taken with them a few rubbish bags, as they are going to clean up some litter along the way. Meanwhile, Arc, Zana the rabbit & Baby Bear Rosa are sitting up in one of the apple trees in the garden. They are contemplating which apples look ready for harvest. Baby Bear Rosa is playing her favourite game of counting how many fruit are ripe for picking. She keeps whispering in Zana’s ear, new and different numbers. All this is doing is confusing Zana, who thinks they should just get on with harvesting – and the heat is getting to her a little! Ecobear Arc finds the whole scenario really funny, as he makes his way back down the tree to fetch baskets for the apples..”