Mother Nature

First published 17th August, 2022

“Today the #ecobears & friends are recovering from the shock of yesterday’s huge thunderstorms. They are finally able to go out into the garden – yesterday it was completely flooded. Now the creatures are checking what damage has been caused by the rains. Slowly but surely the rain floods are disappearing. Their vegetables are sodden, but fortunately still good to harvest. Also the figs and tomatoes are still drying well in the greenhouse, despite the damp weather.

Meanwhile, #ecobear Baby Bear Rosa, Tilda the hedgehog & Zana the rabbit are happy to be able to continue their work in the garden. They’re collecting watermelons ready for juicing into refreshing drinks. Tilda adores watermelon juice!

The recent weather reminds the creature friends that mother nature is very much in charge of their environment, especially at this time of year. This all follows weeks upon weeks of hot weather – so it is no surprise the thunderstorms arrived. Lightening strikes have been so close to the garden – making the ecobears humbled by mother nature’s actions. At least they won’t have to water the garden for a while…”